Monday, April 28, 2014

Recycled Paper Poster!

It all started when I was researching different activities about recycling and reusing. I found this video (click here of you want to watch it ~ 3 minutes) about making large recycled paper. This sparked an idea for the following project:

1. We first created the large sheets of paper by blending up old class work and posters, creating a pulp. We used the same technique for creating the paper as the video above, however we used window screens and a kiddy pool. However we took measures to speed the drying process along, including "squeezing" the excess water out and allowing them to dry over the weekend.

2. Once they were dry, the students were given the task of picking a topic we previously discussed and creating an advertisement. The topics could have been something  that they thought was important, shocking, or just interesting.

3. The goal was to create an "eye catching" and interesting advertisement. Now I need YOUR help to select a winner from each class!

4. Here is the process for voting:

 -   Click here to view the posters. Please scroll through all of the posters. When you see one that
     looks interesting please read more about the topic.

  - Once you find your TWO FAVORITE posters, record the number (On the top left of each
     page). Please choose two different posters.

  -  After you have found your two favorite posters, click here to VOTE! It will ask you for your name
     and your first and second pick. Again please pick two different posters.

Voting will be open until Sunday 5/4/2014

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